Ferris Ellis, CEO of Urban Dynamics, was quoted in InformationWeek's article "How to Avoid Common Hybrid Cloud Pitfalls" by freelance writer Lisa Morgan. In the article, Ellis discussed the challenges organizations face when designing hybrid cloud networks, noting that robust connectivity is essential for meeting modern workload demands.
Networks tend to be taken for granted so people don’t think about them. Second, it requires a more advanced network design than many IT departments are familiar with. They may be familiar with connecting a bunch of offices using a VPN or SD-WAN solution. But for serious workloads you need to have 10, 40, or even 100+ Gbps of reliable, low latency connectivity between one or more of your locations and multiple cloud regions. There are known ways to do this, but they require familiarity with the internals of the internet that remain hidden to most.
For a deeper dive into the pitfalls and strategies for hybrid cloud implementation, check out the full article!